Beautiful Scenery: The Savannah Grassland

This is located 45Km away from Seven Ranges Hotel in Moroto town which is affiliated to River Lokichar Wildlife Conservancy and is about 45 minutes’ drive westward. The area is approximately 72 square kilometers of land. The area is composed of mainly the savanna grasslands, which is home to wildlife and beautiful birds. The wildlife conservancy also has a wide range of wild trees like the Acacia white backed trees good for bee-keeping and feeding giraffes.

The acacia grassland together with various trees are a home to various forms of fauna.   

During the dry season the temperature ranges from 29 to 32 degrees Celsius compared to the wet season when the temperatures range from 22 to 24 degrees Celsius During the two seasons, the main activities include viewing of beautiful rocks, watching of wildlife including warthogs, kudus, bright gazelles, ostriches, snakes, etc. Other activities include picnics, camping, sunbathing, rock climbing, sunset/rise view and honey moon visits among others.

a) Karenga rock:

This is about 250m off the Savannah road. It is a home to wildlife such as puff adders (snakes). It’s a rock hyrax found in the family of elephants. The rock is famous for:

  • Watching puff adder snakes.
  • Rock-climbing
  • Camping site, picnics, photo shoots.
  • Great views of the Savannah grassland.

b)Kalosugwar rock

Located 200 meters off road, this is well positioned for:

Great views
Honey moons
Sunbathing for animals

c) Napeikaleis rock:

This is located 200 metres off the Savanah road. This is a home to a small pool of water where the Karimajong warriors drank water from before and after a raid. There are stones which indicate that there was once a human settlement. It is also believed to have been a burial site for elders or important persons in the Moroto region.

d) Nangorukaal Shrine:

This is located 250 metres off the main road. It is one of the biggest shrines for the Karimajong people of Lopeei. It’s where the elders meet on big occasions to pray to their god. The meetings involve sharing special foods brought for the occasion. The meetings are also held for functions such as initiations, punishing wrong doers, beseeching for blessings from the gods, appeasing the gods, seeking peace casting away problems, good harvests and controlling when the rain pours or when it shouldn’t. This contributes to the richness of the Karimajong culture.

e) River Nangolol Apolon:

This is located about 100 metres from the main camping site. It is a seasonal river that brings water to river Lokidar during the wet season. It also drains water from Kabong and Apulle rivers at the border with Kenya to Lokidar river. The water also serves a nearby man-made lake. It also harbours a historical tree locally known as the Loabre Apatoth with a botanical name of “sychomorous”. This is believed to be the tree where elders rested during their migratory patterns.


According to the recent research studies, the River Lokichar Wildlife Conservancy is one place suitable for birdwatching of more than 200 species of birds. It’s a home to the Karamoja Apalis bird species and other rare birds.